Thursday, February 26, 2009

Medicine of the Prophet (PBUH)

By: Dr Layla

The book Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (PBUH) written by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah almost 650 years ago, which was a timely work research that is use for our generations whether the past, present and definitely the future.

Being a medical student that are currently learning Piragov's operations, Sechenov's medical procedures or even Edward Jenner's history of vaccine, we can never deny the treasure & guidance left by the Prophet according to Qur'an & Sunnah as his main reference in issues of health and medicines.

In this Family Medicine department arranged by the Russian Medical Team (RMT) members, we are proudly posting up chapters from the book as to share with all about the treatment of ailments and preventive remedies that are extremely useful towards better community.

As an introduction, Muslim narrated in his Sahih that the Prophet (PBUH) said ;

'Every illness has a cure, and when the proper cure is applied to the disease, it ends it, Allah willing'

We, as a future doctor, are well-known for taking the obligation to cure and medicate people no matter what colour or religions they are. Prophet's statement on role of a doctor, according to him, is a man whose hand He sent and cause the cure. This statement strengthen the sick person to seek for medication. Rather than despair, he will gain hopes that gives positive anticipation having the energy of the soul and the psyche to energize the body so the disease is more easily dissipated & defeated.

As I am writing this according to the book, certain topics that are familiar with our daily lives and things that we might not see in details but will soon discover in the coming posts, not only the surface but also deeply on what natural medicines actually benifits us.

May you have a clear picture on a simple words and mind spoken here.

1. Prophet's guidance concerning food and drink.

Prophet told us that every one-third of our stomach is for;
  • food
  • water
  • breathing
This is the best method of eating for the body and the heart. For example, when the stomach is full of foods, there are not enough space for drinking and breathing, thus bringing the laziness and fatigue in oneself. This will automatically on the plug of delaying obligations to Allah SWT.

2. Curing Fever

'Verily Fever - or severe fever - is a breath of the Hell Fire, so cool it using water'

so said the Prophet.

Fever that results from sunstroke, mostly in tropical and deserted areas requires the treatment of cold water, either by drinking or taking bath.
As fever causes rising temperatures of the body, it could spread to the heart and to the entire body via blood vessels and the soul, of course.

Technically, there are two types of fever;
  • accidental, resulting from tumors, sunstroke, movements or intense heat
  • resulting from ailments that usually start at particular organ and heats up the whole body.
Unknown by most of us, fever gives positive actions where it heats up and mature & septic harmful substances and cause various blockages to open easily for medicines to reach to the harmful area of the disease.

For a clear and light example, fever helps against facial paralysis, hemiplegia, spasms and ailments that result from thick substances or excesses.

Cold water, as the easiest relieve fever during summer and in hot areas is beneficial. Water would be the furthest from the rays of sun just before sunrise (at its coolest). Body is at its strongest after relaxation and sleep. Adding the strength of body and the strength of water in medical cases, will definitely decrease the temperature of the heatwave body.

3. Curing diarrhea

Honey washes away harmful substances that might collected in veins or intestines. There are many advantages of drinking or eating honey.

Amongst them;
  • dissolves excess moisture, especially those suffering from phlegm that is also accompanied by coughing and chilled condition.
  • softens the bowel movement and a good preserving agent.
  • cleanses the liver and chest, aids in producing urine.
  • honey that is consumed hot and mixed with rose oil cures animal bites and effects of opium.
  • honey mixed with water helps against bite or rabid dog and effects of eating poisonous mushrooms.
  • fresh meat that is kept in honey can preserves freshness for almost 3 months.
  • applying to someone that is infected with lice, it kills both lice and the eggs.
  • in beauty purpose, it softens the hair and allowing it to grow longer.
  • strengthen the weak eyesight
  • whitens the teeth, take care of the gums
  • opens orifice of veins along causing the menstruation flow easily.

There are many effectiveness of honey that we can apply them in our lives.
Community that eats complex meals will have to have more complex cure like those in the city unlike those who lives in village and rural areas that eats simple dish and need not have to take extra medication.

All these Prophetic medicine is through guidance of the Qur'an and all success comes from Allah SWT.

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